An Intriguing Story...
Gayle did a great job of grabbing my attention from page one. Her characters are loaded with vivid thoughts, dynamic personalities, and quirky faults. The setting, in an Amish community, is clearly described and easy to visualize. The storyline is a page turner, but I was able to anticipate the outcome.
The book is focused on Kristie Matthew, a young artist and school teacher, who doesn’t fit the family mold of lawyers. Moving to live on an Amish farm is filled with wonder, beauty and a lot of flack from others. Befriending an elderly man in need, leads Kriste through a series of unexpected events with dangerous consequences. Her faith and trust in God is refreshing and ever present in her thoughts.
Emotionally addicting and a lot of fun!...
Gayle did a great job of grabbing my attention from page one. Her characters are loaded with vivid thoughts, dynamic personalities, and quirky faults. The setting, in an Amish community, is clearly described and easy to visualize. The storyline is a page turner, but I was able to anticipate the outcome.
The book is focused on Kristie Matthew, a young artist and school teacher, who doesn’t fit the family mold of lawyers. Moving to live on an Amish farm is filled with wonder, beauty and a lot of flack from others. Befriending an elderly man in need, leads Kriste through a series of unexpected events with dangerous consequences. Her faith and trust in God is refreshing and ever present in her thoughts.
Emotionally addicting and a lot of fun!...
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